I have to warn you. Many smart pawnbrokers receiving today's e-mail tip will consider it to be more of a pitch than a tip. You may be one of them. There will however be a few members of the three balled tribe who will view this tip as one of the biggest opportunities that's ever been presented to them in their business. To find out if you are such a person, read on. That's because something truly amazing and totally unique is going to take place in our industry and I'm very fortunate to be given the opportunity to present it to you. Nothing like this has ever happened in the 3000+ year history of our industry. It is a first of its kind exclusive opportunity to invest in yourself and your pawnshop business in a way never before available.
This exclusive opportunity is in the form of an event. This event is going to explore the very core of our business concepts and what it truly takes to get to the next level and beyond. It is an assembly of some of the brightest minds in the world today in the pawnbroking industry from the US and internationally. And
those attending will benefit greatly for generations to come.
At this point you may be saying to yourself "Oh great, another meeting, another convention, more seminars, a whole bunch more information I'll never use." And if that's how you feel about what I'm going to announce that's just fine with me. Most likely this offer is not for you. But if you do happen to still be curious I will provide you with the intimate details of this amazing event.
The event is PCG's Pawn Symposium and Conference being held September 12-15, 2011 in Naples Florida at the world-class Ritz-Carlton resort. It will be offering the industry's first true focus groups that will absolutely raise the bar for our industry and propel us into the future with other like-minded business professionals within pawnbroking. But don't be tricked into thinking this event is just about more ideas
and more information.Because nothing could be further from the truth. It truly is a matchless meeting
of the experts - a pawnbroking mastermind of kind - an opportunity to explore your business methods and procedures at a core level. Four days of focus. Laser focus. Giving you the ability to zero in on every target you have ever thought about in your pawnshop business.
Fifteen different focus groups conducted by at least eight of the leading experts in our industry on a global scale. Like I told you, a first of its kind event. And I guarantee you by attending this event you will be making
the single most important investment you have ever made in yourself and in your pawnshop business. An opportunity that no one in our industry has ever been presented. Because no such opportunity has ever existed. I feel it's important to inform you of what this event is not. It's not a convention. No silly events, no
fundraising, no exhibit halls, no auctions, no selling to you or hitting you up for donations of any kind. It's not about that. And it's certainly not about just being a good excuse to spend a few days with "the boys" on the
beach. What it is about is an opportunity for you to focus purely on improving the core metrics in your pawnshop business surrounded by world-class experts in a world-class resort. These experts will share with you their tried and true proven methodologies to enhance your overall business philosophy and
gain highly profitable lifelong results.
I have no idea how my friend Jerry Whitehead of the Pawnshop Consulting Group went about assembling this lineup of industry experts or how many favors he had to call in to do so. But I'm very proud of him for having the desire and commitment to produce and present this amazing event specifically for our industry and the select group of participants who will attend. And speaking of attending I must warn you about something else. Having the ability to write the check, make the travel arrangements, and take a few days off does not qualify you to attend. You should only consider attending this event if you are truly ready to give it all you've got. You must be willing to attend all of the focus groups and participate. You must be committed to greater
profits in your business. Only those with a burning desire to succeed need apply. This is why Mr. Whitehead has chosen to be selective about attendees and keep this event a manageable size. This way every attendee can experience this world-class event in a more intimate and personal setting. Over half of the available seats for this event sold out immediately when Jerry first offered this opportunity to his list of clients.And now he has provided me with the opportunity to offer it to you. For this I am very grateful. For further information on PCG's Pawn Symposium and Conference
E-mail Jerry at jerry@pawnshopconsultinggroup.com or give him a call at 954-540-3697.
Jerry Whitehead surely apprciates Steve's support!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Website Analysis Services!
If you don't have a website, you should for sure give us a call to talk about our Website Design, Social Networking and Media Services. We can assist you with every aspect of developing a site that is the right solution for you - along with Social Networking and Digital Media *(YouTube Videos) as we can do it all for you throuhg our new division!
If you have a current website, are you sure you're getting the MOST ouf of it - just let us take a detailed look! We can write up a FULL REPORT on everything you have and your entire online presence. Let us tell you exactly how you can step up your current site to allow for MORE TRAFFIC as well as a detailed report on other services that you should be using and what you can change about your current program to maximize your entire ONLINE PRESENCE! After you get our report, then it's up to you if you want to try to implement these new ideas and practices to your advantage of if you would like Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc. assist you every step of the way!
The BEST thing about what we offer is that we can set up your site to allow you to update it with ease, and so you can create one POST and watch it go VIRAL with only one click of your mouse! You'll also see your Search Engine Ranking SOAR and we can even assit you monthly, quaterly, semi-annually and up to a year to make sure you and your staff are TRAINED on the absolute most up to date tricks to track your competition and to KNOW exactly what's going on with your site and your advertisting efforts on the internet. Even if you're using pay-per-click, are you sure you're getting your money's worth - we can assist with tracking that along with just about anything else and give you DETAILED reports on how everything is working, what you can improve up and how to really get the MOST out of your efforts and of course, increase your companies BOTTOM LINE!
Give us a call as we're happy to help!
Jerry Whitehead
If you have a current website, are you sure you're getting the MOST ouf of it - just let us take a detailed look! We can write up a FULL REPORT on everything you have and your entire online presence. Let us tell you exactly how you can step up your current site to allow for MORE TRAFFIC as well as a detailed report on other services that you should be using and what you can change about your current program to maximize your entire ONLINE PRESENCE! After you get our report, then it's up to you if you want to try to implement these new ideas and practices to your advantage of if you would like Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc. assist you every step of the way!
The BEST thing about what we offer is that we can set up your site to allow you to update it with ease, and so you can create one POST and watch it go VIRAL with only one click of your mouse! You'll also see your Search Engine Ranking SOAR and we can even assit you monthly, quaterly, semi-annually and up to a year to make sure you and your staff are TRAINED on the absolute most up to date tricks to track your competition and to KNOW exactly what's going on with your site and your advertisting efforts on the internet. Even if you're using pay-per-click, are you sure you're getting your money's worth - we can assist with tracking that along with just about anything else and give you DETAILED reports on how everything is working, what you can improve up and how to really get the MOST out of your efforts and of course, increase your companies BOTTOM LINE!
Give us a call as we're happy to help!
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
Monday, March 14, 2011
First Annual and Regional Pawn Symposium EVER!
We will be hosting our first Symposium Conference and event this year at the Five Star Resort “Ritz Carlton” in Naples Florida, September 12th – 15th 2011.
This years event promises to be one of the most wonderful opportunities ever witnessed in this industry to mix, mingle and have active dialogue through Q&A with open panel type discussions post all of the presenters along with the information that will be disseminated.
The Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc are addressing the specific issues that we see affecting our industry today from a business standpoint. We have NO other agendas other than focusing on what makes our businesses work and how to improve every aspect of what we do in them every day!
Or just contact Jerry Whitehead for MORE INFO:
This years event promises to be one of the most wonderful opportunities ever witnessed in this industry to mix, mingle and have active dialogue through Q&A with open panel type discussions post all of the presenters along with the information that will be disseminated.
The Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc are addressing the specific issues that we see affecting our industry today from a business standpoint. We have NO other agendas other than focusing on what makes our businesses work and how to improve every aspect of what we do in them every day!
Or just contact Jerry Whitehead for MORE INFO:
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Big things in the works!
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc is in the process of setting up some pretty large deals to be abel to offer their customers more flexibility with their New Symposium which will be held in September in Florida.
Jerry Whitehead is also striking deals with some Major Players in the FINANCE world along with many other vendors to create something that has NEVER been done before in the Pawn Industry -
Stay tuned as there's MORE to come!
Jerry Whitehead
Jerry Whitehead is also striking deals with some Major Players in the FINANCE world along with many other vendors to create something that has NEVER been done before in the Pawn Industry -
Stay tuned as there's MORE to come!
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Market Evaluations & Business Plans for Pawnshops!
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc offers business plans, business plan evaulations, and so much MORE!
PCG, INC can also assist with market analysis, choosing the right location or even getting access to venture capital and possibly even introduce you in some cases to "angel" investors or in some cases Franchising to help you get started. But we know how to get you started and how to reach that crucial break even point and then to move forward to making your shop grow and be more profitable in the years to come!
Please contact us and we’ll be happy to help!
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
Updating your Business Plan for your Pawnshop!
Are you struggling with your current business plan? Need a more detailed operations manual? We are here to help. As even if you’ve been in the Pawn Business for a LONG TIME – we can help you increase your PROFITS in a number of ways! We can assist you with UPDATING your current business plan to make the most of your location, your customers, your employees and your marketing efforts!
Contact us and let us help you take your existing pawn shop to the next level! We can even help you take advantage of all the new social networking to increase your traffic to your store, your website and help you move that inventory before it starts to stack up so you’ll have MORE MONEY to put out on the STREET!
Give us a call or E-mail us at the address below!
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.jerry@pawnshopconsultinggroup.com
Join us on our FaceBook Fan Page!
We now have a “FaceBook LIKE” button on our WEBSITE just ABOVE our Twitter FEED!Feel free to log in (securely) to your FaceBook account from the right Sidebar and go directly to your FaceBook ACCOUNT and “LIKE” our FACEBOOK FAN PAGE! You can also use the drop down menu on our WEBSITE to say “what’s on your mind”! We’d LOVE to hear from you!
We also now have a SUBSCRIBE to our NEWSLETTER as a TAB on our FACEBOOK FAN PAGE! Just follow the link below:
We look forward to adding new friends, contacts and followers through our GROWING SOCIAL NETWORKS & we’ll be providing more NEW MEDIA SOON!
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
We are now offering Website Design and Social Networking Services! Whether you need to upgrade your current site or if you just want a second opinion as to how effective your site is via a TOTAL SITE ANALYSIS, we can help. If you would like a new website so that you can update it yourself – without need for a web designer to do all of your updates, we can do that too!
And all of your new updates can go out as a FREE NEWSLETTER as well as post automatically to your TWITTER FEED and your FaceBook Fan Page with ONE CLICK! Thus you can create MORE opportunities to advertise your product and services and that's by having MORE WAYS to FIND YOU!
And we can show a host of new applications *(and most are FREE), strategies and more to make sure you’re getting the MOST out of your online presence!
Lastly, if you want to take advantage of the “FREE” Social Networks and Social Media we can help you with your new campaign and even show you how to TRACK your return on investment!
Please Contact Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc. for more information:
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc
And all of your new updates can go out as a FREE NEWSLETTER as well as post automatically to your TWITTER FEED and your FaceBook Fan Page with ONE CLICK! Thus you can create MORE opportunities to advertise your product and services and that's by having MORE WAYS to FIND YOU!
And we can show a host of new applications *(and most are FREE), strategies and more to make sure you’re getting the MOST out of your online presence!
Lastly, if you want to take advantage of the “FREE” Social Networks and Social Media we can help you with your new campaign and even show you how to TRACK your return on investment!
Please Contact Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc. for more information:
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Jerry Whitehead in Costa Rica Conference
Here I am with Mr. Jimenez in Costa Rica - as promised more pictures and information to come.
Thanks for Visiting our Blog Site - and you can also visit our FEEDBUNER BLOGS here:
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
Thanks for Visiting our Blog Site - and you can also visit our FEEDBUNER BLOGS here:
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
Jerry Whitehead in Colombia, South America
Here's just ONE photo of many from Colombia, South America. Jerry Whitehead of Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc with the E. Jimenez Family at their JOYERIA SHOP.

If you would like to see more, pleae visit our PHOTOS SECTION or our WEBSITE!
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.

If you would like to see more, pleae visit our PHOTOS SECTION or our WEBSITE!
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Welcome to our NEW BLOG. We'll be adding more information in the coming months and we look foward to providing useful bits of information as the New Year moves forward.
We hope to be able to Blog Directly or Import Blogs from our RSS FEED as well.
Please visit http://www.pawnshopconsultinggroup.net/ and soon http://www.pawnshopconsultinggroup.com/ will be redirected to that hosting account.
We appreciate our valued customers, friends, and visitors who stop by our our Blog hosted @ Blogger
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
We hope to be able to Blog Directly or Import Blogs from our RSS FEED as well.
Please visit http://www.pawnshopconsultinggroup.net/ and soon http://www.pawnshopconsultinggroup.com/ will be redirected to that hosting account.
We appreciate our valued customers, friends, and visitors who stop by our our Blog hosted @ Blogger
Jerry Whitehead
Pawnshop Consulting Group, Inc.
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